Saturday, 20 December 2008

Feliz Natal

A "Blue Christmas" é a minha música de Natal favorita e foi a primeira música de Natal que aprendi a tocar. Desde miúdo que adoro as músicas de Natal.
Palavras para quê? É o REI e a Martina McBride num novo dueto virtual graças às maravilhas da tecnologia.

"Ill have a blue christmas without you
Ill be so blue just thinking about you
Decorations of red on a green christmas tree
Wont be the same dear, if youre not here with me

And when those blue snowflakes start falling
Thats when those blue memories start calling
Youll be doin all right, with your christmas of white
But Ill have a blue, blue blue blue christmas

Youll be doin all right, with your christmas of white,
But Ill have a blue, blue blue blue christmas"

Words & Music by
Billy Hayes and Jay Johnson

Monday, 15 December 2008

Love Minus Zero/No Limit

As mais bonitas são as mais fáceis de tocar. Sou um fã enorme e incondicional de Bob Dylan.

"My love she speaks like silence,
Without ideals or violence,
She doesn't have to say she's faithful,
Yet she's true, like ice, like fire.
People carry roses,
Make promises by the hours,
My love she laughs like the flowers,
Valentines can't buy her.

In the dime stores and bus stations,
People talk of situations,
Read books, repeat quotations,
Draw conclusions on the wall.
Some speak of the future,
My love she speaks softly,
She knows there's no success like failure
And that failure's no success at all.

The cloak and dagger dangles,
Madams light the candles.
In ceremonies of the horsemen,
Even the pawn must hold a grudge.
Statues made of match sticks,
Crumble into one another,
My love winks, she does not bother,
She knows too much to argue or to judge.

The bridge at midnight trembles,
The country doctor rambles,
Bankers' nieces seek perfection,
Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring.
The wind howls like a hammer,
The night blows cold and rainy,
My love she's like some raven
At my window with a broken wing."

Bob Dylan - 'Love Minus Zero/No Limit'
Performance do excelente filme documentário de D.A. Pennebaker '
Don't Look Back'

Saturday, 13 December 2008

Nova Arte Cheia de Lua

A lua em oposição ao sol

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

A Verdade

"-Papá, qual é a origem do vento?
- São os espirros das árvores."
"-A sério???
- Não, mas a verdade é mais complicada."
"As árvores estão a espirrar imenso hoje."

Tuesday, 2 December 2008


"A man who will not lie to a woman has very little consideration for her feelings"
_Olin Miller

On The Road

"They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!"

Jack Kerouac - 'On The Road'

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