Tuesday 9 February 2010

Give me a Smile

"Why do I have to wear these dorky clothes and get my hair combed?!"
"Your Dad's going to take your picture. Hold still.
- I don't want to get my picture taken!"
"It will just take a few minutes. We're going to put the picture of you in our Christmas Cards so everyone can see what you look like now."
"What a dumb idea. Why are we doing that?"
"So we won't have relatives dropping by to visit.
- DEAR..."

"Ready? Ok, give me a nice smile."
"That's good. One... Two..."
"Three! CLICK"
"My hair's getting messed up dad!"

"I don't have much film left. So stop making faces when I take the picture, or your name's mud."
"You could've been done 20 minutes ago if you'd just cooperated. Now give me a smile and hold it for two seconds."
- That was a smile! I smiled!"

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